Sunday 13 October 2013

Birthdays are good for your health.Studies show those who have more birthdays, live longer.

So this weekend has been full of birthday celebrations (not mine unfortunately!) and the actual birthday isn't even until tomorrow! However I have managed to have some nice thinking time in between the alcohol, food, music and people! As this has been my first weekend on my journey to discovery through this quarter life crisis I decided to look at unfinished things/ things I have been meaning to do (while I was finishing off a piece of birthday cake!)

Here is a condensed list:

  1. So I redecorated my bedroom a year ago. I managed to attach the black out lining to one curtain. Not the other.
  2. Been saying for weeks I need to unblock the shower plug that is full of my hair.
  3. Still need to unpack my case from a night away a couple of weeks ago.
  4. Need to start that photo album from when I worked in Walt Disney World. 5 years ago!
  5. I will get light bulbs for my bed side table lamps which have been dead for about 6 months!
  6. Promised my sister I would e-mail her some photos of us about 3 months ago.
  7. I will put the tin of paint that has been sat in my room for a year down to the shed.
On this shortened list of my failures I can see that all the best intentions are there! however I seem to get distracted/ way laid. Kind of like I did have a purpose/ meaning to this post but I cant quite remember what it was now, hmmmm..... 

Anyway! I am going to start making my way through a more extensive list of things I have started hoping that it will clear my mind slightly and will hopefully lead me to finishing tasks fully and in a suitable time period (Not 5 years later!!) I believe I'm making progress already- I finished this post and I finished the piece of cake! Who says you can't have your cake and eat it?

VCG xoxo

Happiness- It's not a destination, It's a way of life!

So I'm a big believer in positive thinking. I can't be doing with people who are miserable and who moan about everything! Unfortunately in my line of work I come across this everyday from both my staff and customers however I just slap a great big smile on my face and try and spread some positivity. If you want to moan about something, bring me a solution to fix the problem, don't expect all the work to be done for you! (Wait! Am I moaning right now?)
Even if I have got stuff going on which is playing on my mind, I don't let that spread onto others. It's not their fault if I've got something going on!!

Oh Well!

Whenever I feel life is a bit tough I always remind myself of this...........

Life could be worse!

VCG xoxo

Saturday 12 October 2013

Not even good enough for a mouse!

So I'm currently suffering from a quarter life crisis and I'm not even 25! 

A few years ago while I was at university I took part in a 3 month summer program to work at Walt Disney World in Florida, it was the best summer of my life so far! I met my best friend there, 5 years later we're closer than ever (Hi Tony!). So I decided that this year, I would apply to take part in Disney's cultural representative program as I am currently having one of those moments where I'm like 'What am I doing with my life? Have I made the right decisions? Am I settling down too soon?' So over 1000 people applied out of the 200 that got through to the group interview stage, I was one! The group interview went OK. That was a week ago. Last night at 10.30pm I got the dreaded e-mail. I didn't get through. 
So the whole plan that I had in my head as to how I was going to spend next summer having an amazing time living in Orlando, Florida just disappeared with one quick e-mail. I felt sick. 
After a lovely message of the bestie explaining Disney 'Can't handle your fabulousness' I went to bed and tried to put it out my mind deciding that I didn't want the opportunity anyway (I did! I really really did!!) I woke up hoping it was all a dream or a mistake, it wasn't! That nasty email was still there! 
So after a busy day in work I'm now deciding what to do in order to combat and overcome this quarter life crisis!! Do I save some more and buy a house? Do I travel the world? Do I book a holiday? Do I buy a new car? Do I get a tattoo?

While I decide- I'll just start a blog! 

One things for sure- I'm excited for what it might bring! I feel like I'm starting a journey of discovery.

VCG xoxo

Welcome to the mad house!

Hello & Welcome to my blog!

I'm new to this so please be gentle! :)

A bit of basic information about me, I'm a 24 year old female, I have a degree in Events Management from the University of Chester. I am a manager for a very well known health and beauty company which means I love to try all the new beauty products, some of which I hope to review on here for you! 
I love to watch movies, read books and to walk my dog. Self confessed handbag addict, and a genuine optimistic person! Excessive user of exclamation marks!!!

Hopefully someone, somewhere will read this blog other than my mum! (Hi Mum!) 


VCG xoxo