Sunday 13 October 2013

Happiness- It's not a destination, It's a way of life!

So I'm a big believer in positive thinking. I can't be doing with people who are miserable and who moan about everything! Unfortunately in my line of work I come across this everyday from both my staff and customers however I just slap a great big smile on my face and try and spread some positivity. If you want to moan about something, bring me a solution to fix the problem, don't expect all the work to be done for you! (Wait! Am I moaning right now?)
Even if I have got stuff going on which is playing on my mind, I don't let that spread onto others. It's not their fault if I've got something going on!!

Oh Well!

Whenever I feel life is a bit tough I always remind myself of this...........

Life could be worse!

VCG xoxo

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