Saturday 12 October 2013

Not even good enough for a mouse!

So I'm currently suffering from a quarter life crisis and I'm not even 25! 

A few years ago while I was at university I took part in a 3 month summer program to work at Walt Disney World in Florida, it was the best summer of my life so far! I met my best friend there, 5 years later we're closer than ever (Hi Tony!). So I decided that this year, I would apply to take part in Disney's cultural representative program as I am currently having one of those moments where I'm like 'What am I doing with my life? Have I made the right decisions? Am I settling down too soon?' So over 1000 people applied out of the 200 that got through to the group interview stage, I was one! The group interview went OK. That was a week ago. Last night at 10.30pm I got the dreaded e-mail. I didn't get through. 
So the whole plan that I had in my head as to how I was going to spend next summer having an amazing time living in Orlando, Florida just disappeared with one quick e-mail. I felt sick. 
After a lovely message of the bestie explaining Disney 'Can't handle your fabulousness' I went to bed and tried to put it out my mind deciding that I didn't want the opportunity anyway (I did! I really really did!!) I woke up hoping it was all a dream or a mistake, it wasn't! That nasty email was still there! 
So after a busy day in work I'm now deciding what to do in order to combat and overcome this quarter life crisis!! Do I save some more and buy a house? Do I travel the world? Do I book a holiday? Do I buy a new car? Do I get a tattoo?

While I decide- I'll just start a blog! 

One things for sure- I'm excited for what it might bring! I feel like I'm starting a journey of discovery.

VCG xoxo

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